The term “chiropractic” is derived from the Greek word “chiropraktikos”, meaning “done by
The World Health Organization defines chiropractic as a health care profession concerned with
the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system and
the effects of these disorders on general health. Chiropractic care emphasizes the conservative
management of the neuromusculoskeletal system, without the use of medicines and surgery.
(World Health Organization (WHO) definition, Guidelines on Chiropractic (2005)).
Simply put, chiropractic care is the conservative management of disorders of the
neuromusculoskeletal system through treatments that require the use of the hands known as
“adjustments”. Treatments also include ergonomic and postural assessments, nutritional, dietary
and lifestyle counselling, cold or heat therapy, therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises.
Yes. Spinal surgery may not always be effective in helping back conditions in the longterm.
This is termed as “Failed Back Surgery Syndrome”. Chiropractic can often help to avoid
repeated back surgery. Surgery may have even been avoided if chiropractic care was sought
initially prior to the surgery. A study published in the journal Spine on low back pain has shown
that compared to those who sought care from medical doctors, chiropractic patients were more
likely to be satisfied with their care, and less likely to seek care from another provider for that
same episode of pain (Carey TS, Evans AT, Hadler NM, Lieberman G, Kalsbeek WD, Jackman
AM, Fryer JG, McNutt RA.; 1996; Spine).
Yes. Chiropractic is a primary health care profession and is the third largest doctoral level health care profession after medicine and dentistry (Meeker, Haldeman; 2002; Annals of Internal Medicine). Doctors of Chiropractic specialise in the holistic diagnosis, treatment and management of conditions that result from problems with joints, tendons, ligaments and nerves of the body and in particular the spine. Chiropractic treatment include manual manipulation with the hands also known as adjustments, ergonomic and postural assessments, nutritional, dietary and lifestyle counselling, cold or heat therapy, therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises. The type of treatment used will largely depend on the condition, the severity of the condition and the likely outcomes.
Physiotherapy on the other hand is one of the allied health professions whose focus is on the recovery of functions. This is done through treatments based on ultrasound, strengthening, taping, massaging, stretching and specific exercises to the presented symptomatic area of the body. Physiotherapy has been found to be an integral part of the hospital health care systems in postoperative and general rehabilitation.
Yes. Many parents bring their children and babies in for a checkup. Chiropractic care is a safe method of maintaining spinal health. Many parents start chiropractic care for their children in their infancy as the birthing process can be quite traumatic on a baby’s spine. Naturally, the chiropractic treatment is modified to a baby’s spine.
Many parents also seek chiropractic care for their children for conditions such as poor posture, scoliosis, flat feet, sleep disorders, sports injuries, headaches, poor concentration. Kissun Chiropractic can provide a comprehensive postural, spine and joints assessment to help in the early detection and prevention of health issues that may emerge later in adulthood.
Yes. Chiropractic care is safe for the pregnant mother and her baby. Many pregnant women find that chiropractic care helps to improve their pregnancy by keeping the spine, joints and nervous system functioning optimally. They also find that it can help to make the delivery process easier for themselves and the baby.
A lot of the time, the protruding abdomen and increased back curve, pelvic changes and postural adaptations are the cause of the aches and pain for pregnant women. Chiropractic treatment can provide relief from the increased lowback pain brought on by pregnancy. Chiropractic care can be especially appealing to those who are trying to avoid medication in treating their aches and pain. The chiropractic treatment is modified and adapted to the mother’s’ size, age and stage of pregnancy. Kissun Chiropractic can also offer posture, exercise, nutrition, and ergonomic advice to help the mum-to-be enjoy a healthy pregnancy.